Paradise Island: What’s Up and What’s Hot

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  • • 8/17/24

    Philly Vegandale

    What's better than Vegandale in Philly? Cheesesteak? Game show buzzer WRONG answer! Rick Ross in Vegandale! Sorry for the late post (we live in the past).

  • • 9/17/23

    Harlem Week Highlight

    A diverse crowd sharing their love of Afrobeats and dance. If our alien overlords are watching, they would think we are a unified and happy species. I’ll leave you with that thought.

  • • 9/17/23

    Festival Life Highlight Reel

    Anyone can scoop slop on a tray in a prison mess hall. But the festival experience is a completely different life. Celebrations take you out of daily routine and offer experiences to remember. To affirm the qualities that make us human. To celebrate the differences.

  • • 9/14/23

    Moonrise Festival 2

    Hope your speakers can handle the bass…

  • • 9/14/23

    Moonrise Festival

    We are now food vendors at your next DLS EDM festival! Soon, we will also be vending for SWARM Festivals as well. More details coming soon!