Omurice Japanese Fried Rice Omelet. Grown up Breakfast
Every culture has their comfort foods and, sadly, these foods are difficult to find on mainstream menus. Colonialism may not have the best intentions, but introducing new cultures can have up sides. Omurice is one of those upsides. Japanese sushi rice stir fried with a classic omelet and demiglace sauce. Pair this Asian omelet with one of our proteins and the marriage can be other worldly. Also, if you have outgrown the idea of breakfast for dinner, try the grown-up version before missing out on this experience.
Every culture has their comfort foods and, sadly, these foods are difficult to find on mainstream menus. Colonialism may not have the best intentions, but introducing new cultures can have up sides. Omurice is one of those upsides. Japanese sushi rice stir fried with a classic omelet and demiglace sauce. Pair this Asian omelet with one of our proteins and the marriage can be other worldly. Also, if you have outgrown the idea of breakfast for dinner, try the grown-up version before missing out on this experience.